Custom sex dolls

In our e-shop, we only sell high-quality and custom sex dolls from certified brands. All are looking for a partner to fulfill their secret desires. They love sex. Tender lovemaking, deep oral, or passionate anal is an unforgettable experience with a custom sex doll. We regularly add carefully verified brands to the assortment, and expand the offer of sex dolls among the existing ones.

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The difference between the availability of a sex doll in stock and custom sex dolls

Sex dolls in stock are ready for immediate pickup or shipment. They are brand new and unused. They look exactly like the photos. However, it is not possible to customize them. You can only choose hair and eye color with them.

Custom production allows you to create a sex doll exactly to your taste. Thanks to the various customization of a particular brand, you can choose what kind of eyes, nails, hair, skin color, breast type (solid, hollo,w or luxury gel) or vagina (built-in, removable) your companion can have. And not only that.

Other popular customization options include standing legs, articulated fingers, a sound and heating system, and an electric sucking vagina. Basic customizations are always free, special ones for an extra charge. The current trend is robotic sex dolls that provide different types of movement or the ability to communicate with the help of artificial intelligence.